Special Photo Exhibition: “Executions in China”

China executed approximately 2,400 people in 2013. China executes more people every year than the rest of the world combined. It puts more people to death per week than the U.S. does per year. Currently, 55 crimes are punishable by death, many of which are nonviolent or economic offenses. In addition, China’s criminal justice system fails to provide basic due process protections to criminal defendants, including those charged with a capital offense. The most common method of execution is firing squad, which does not necessarily cause immediate death. Prisoners could die slowly while experiencing excruciating pain. The system has been in place since the beginning of Chinese Communist Party rule, and we do not foresee an end to the deplorable practice.

The Laogai Museum’s special photo exhibition, “Executions in China,” exposes the cruelties of China’s death penalty system. Please join us to commemorate the people who died in such an unjust manner.


7. Prisoners are shot to death