Laogai Museum Welcomes Acclaimed Author Diane Wolff wolffThe Lao Gai Museum was honored to welcome Diane Wolff at the start of October. It was a proud moment for the museum and founder Mr. Harry Wu. We hope the time spent here benefitted her research in her current endeavor to reach a more broad audience through her eloquent writing.

She has cast a vast net, gleaning various resources in understanding the Chinese prison system, a euphemism for the lao gai since 1994. She mentions the Russian dissident, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who also authored One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. His books quickly helped make the word ‘gulag’, for which the Chinese system is staunchly formatted, notorious to an otherwise unversed public.

Unlike Solzhenitsyn, Chinese dissidents, such as Harry Wu and Ai Wei Wei, have not received praise by their heads of state past or present; instead they have been exiled from their homeland and threatened with serious jail time or worse.

We support Ms. Wolff in her pursuit, as she continues to document similar atrocities throughout the Far East, in both fiction and non alike, in an effort to bring about change to millions of lives.

You can read more about Diane Wolff and the Laogai system in her blog at: