Archive for April, 2013

Sections of Xingjiao Temple, a 1,300 year old Bhuddist temple, are currently being targeted by the Chinese government for demolition. In what is apparently a masked attempt at curbing religious freedom in China, the Chinese government has claimed that demolishing certain sections of the Xingjiao Temple will make the rest of the temple’s application as a UNESCO World Heritage site more appealing. The Bhuddist community, however, believes that any tampering with the Xingjiao Temple is a direct insult to the sanctity of the temple.

Imagine if the United States’ government destroyed certain parts of a church despite the protest of Church officials… this is the dilemma.

Please read the entire press release from here

Recently Apple gave into demands from the Chinese government and censored an app that gave access to books that lobby for Tibetan independence. This latest move by Apple is just another example of the leverage that the Chinese government has in conducting business with Western tech companies. Please stand with the Laogai Museum and the Laogai Research Foundation by sharing your displeasure with Apple over their policy of belittling freedom of expression in exchange for access to the Chinese market.

Read the entire press release here

Former monk Jigme Gyatso was released earlier this week after serving 17 years in one of China’s most infamous labor-reform camps.

Although probably another false promise, the Chinese government is expressing some interest in reforming a policy that has haunted Chinese women and human rights sympathizers everywhere: the One Child Policy. Please read the following press release and join the fight alongside the Laogai Research Foundation in ending the human rights abuses of forced birth control in China.

click here!