Religious Persecution in the People’s Republic of China
Religious persecution is running rampant in China today. Although China doesn’t designate an official state religion, China also doesn’t condone the uninhibited practice of religion. It is no surprise that China’s atheist population represents the largest percentage of any country in the world, because quite frankly, the Chinese Communist Party has undertaken a systematic campaign of religious condemnation. The slowly fading “cult of personality” and hyper-nationalism of the the Chinese citizenry has arguably led to a revival in seeking individual spirituality. This spirituality has been met by a fervent backlash on behalf of the Chinese government, which has dedicated its last 64 years to denying individual religious freedoms in favor of demanding total allegiance to the Communist Party. Even unassuming and innocent children haven’t been able to escape the atrocities of religious curtailment. Please read the heartbreaking story of Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, a six-year-old boy who is China’s youngest political “criminal”: