Upcoming Event: In Memory of Tiananmen

Posted: May 16, 2011 by laogaimuseum in Events

For those involved in the battle for human rights in China, the images of June 4th, 1989 remain vivid and heartbraking- the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Yet with China’s booming economy and rising global standing, the call for human rights in China often gets muffled as it is increasingly overshadowed by issues deemed strategically ‘more important’ to U.S. foreign policy.

For this reason, on the eve of this tragic anniversary, Laogai Research Foundation will host a commemoration and film screening in honor of the victims of Tiananmen.

Please join us at the Laogai Museum for a screening of selections from the 2006 PBS Frontline documentary, The Tank Man.

Where: Laogai Museum

1734 20th St. NW

Washington, DC 20009

When: Friday, June 3rd, 2011


Contact: Please email laogai@laogai.org or call 202.408.8300 x300

Please RSVP soon, as seating is limited.

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